How Tolkien found me

Over a decade ago, when I was a little girl, my father dragged me to every Lord of the Rings movie that came out. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King— I’ve seen them all. I’ve also hated them all. In fact, I have never been so disinterested in my life.

The trilogy came out more or less at the same time as Harry Potter, so naturally, witches and wizards, potions and spells, magic and magic schools won over 11 year old me instead of hobbits with large hairy feet, dwarves, goblins, nazguls, and orcs.

And so as the trilogy came to an end, I was thankful. I think I even sighed in relief (I don’t really remember but it’s very possible).

“Ah! No more movies next year! It’s over!”

Little did I know, Tolkien has a way of worming back into peoples’ lives.

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