What’s the cast of The Hobbit up to now?

Over the past couple of years, fans had the pleasure of experiencing the thrill and anticipation of waiting for a new installment of The Hobbit trilogy.

Sadly, last year came the end of that trilogy, and along with it, the end of the stories of Middle Earth (as far as we know. Unless they make a movie adaptation of the Silmarillion *wink*wink*). At least we’ll still have the DVD Extended Edition to look forward to at the end of the year.

However, despite it all being more or less over, a good thing about the fandom is we still support the actors. After all, they’re the ones who gave visible life to the characters we’ve all come to love and mourn.

With that, let’s see what our favorite hobbit, dwarves, elves, wizard and bowman are doing post Middle Earth.

Richard Armitage played the majestic King Under the Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield.

Exhibit A:

*look at that profile*

Exhibit B:

For 2015, our favorite dwarf king will be seen in season 3 of Hannibal. He will be playing Francis Dolarhyde, a serial killer known as The Tooth Fairy due to his unsightly habit of biting the skin of his victims. (I don’t know about you, but Richard can bite me anytime he wants 😉 )

Season 3 comes out in June 4. In the meantime, you can watch seasons 1 and 2 of Hannibal here.

Aside from Television series, Richard will also be playing Chop in Urban & the Shed Crew, in 2015. The movie is about a hard living, disillusioned, ex social worker becomes the unlikely savior to an anarchic gang of joy-riding, drug taking, thieving, out of control, care home runaways.

He is also said to have a part in the movie Sleepwalker, but there are no further details about it yet.

Dean plays Fili — Thorin’s successor. The King who should have been. One half of the HDPB (Hot Dwarf Prince Brothers).

Yes, I know, baby. That’s usually how things work. *bless*

In 2015, Dean will be playing Kirk Douglas in the movie Trumbo. It’s about how the successful career of Hollywood screenwriter, Dalton Trumbo, comes to an end when he’s blacklisted in the 1940s for being a Communist.

That’s all Dean has lined up for 2015 so far. Remember, we’re not even at the end of the year’s first quarter so let’s hope we’ll see more of him. 😉

On the plus side, he will be making an appearance and will participate in the Lord of the Rings convention on Dec 5-7, 2015 in Milan. More details here.

Aidan plays Kili — the other half of the HDPB.

Look at his stupid, gorgeous, adorable face. Ugh. Makes me sick.withwaaannntttt.

For 2015, fangirls can get their weekly dose of Aidan because he’s starring in the new series Poldark as Captain Ross Poldark.

The series goes:

In late 18th-century, Ross Poldark returns to his Cornish tin mines after spending three years in the army to avoid charges of smuggling, leaving behind his sweetheart Elizabeth. On his return, having fought in the American War of Independence, he finds his father dead, his estate in ruins and Elizabeth engaged to another man. In need of help he takes on a new kitchen maid, Demelza, after rescuing her from a beating bringing him into conflict with hostile locals.

Period series + Aidan Turner?! The pilot just got aired a few weeks ago. Watch it here.

Also known as Dwalin, Thorin’s right hand… and probably the most aggressive and violent dwarf in the company.

Hmm. Now I see where Fili got his logic.

This 2015, he’ll be playing Tommy Holiday in the movie Creed (filming). It is the seventh Rocky film and a spin-off from the Rocky film series.

He is also reported to have a role in The Finest Hours (2015). An American disaster drama film, the film is about a true story of the Pendleton rescue mission attempt by Coast Guard ships. A storm hit and split asunder two oil tankers in 1952.

For those wanting to see him in person, he’s a guest and will be participating in the Hobbitcon which will be on April 4-6, 2015, in Bonn, Germany. More details here.


“The youngest of the company.” The adorable slingshot yielding dwarf you want to take home and spoil with cookies and brownies.

Adam will have a part in the upcoming film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017. It’s still a few years ahead, but in the meantime, you can catch him in Hobbitcon along with Graham this coming April 4-6, 2015 in Bonn, Germany. More details here.

The Elf King, Thranduil, who’s…


The past year, Lee has been part of the series Halt and Catch Fire as Joe MacMillan, the lead role. Season one’s over, but fortunately, it got renewed for a second season. Yay, Lee Pace! ❤ You can find more info about the series here. And you can watch season one here.

Lee is also said to have a part in both Revolt, and Icon, but not much details are available yet.

And of course, the most important news of all…

Last week, there has been a TV Reboot Tournament wherein the winner is Pushing Daisies!!!!!!! That’s right!!! There’s a huge chance that we’ll get back the most adorable, corpse-reviving, pie maker the world of TV has ever seen!!! Iamjustsoexcited.

The poll ended just yesterday or two days ago, so hopefully, we’ll have some official news about it soon. But while we’re waiting for that, you can watch season 1 & 2 of Pushing Daisies here.

Thranduil Jr. Legolas, technically, isn’t in the book, but let’s ignore that and just appreciate the chance we got at seeing our fave elf babe. Not to mention a second chance to see all the faces he makes :p


For 2015, he has a couple of movies lined up so far. Digging for fire, which is about the discovery of a bone and a gun send a husband and wife on separate adventures over the course of a weekend. And Unlocked, which doesn’t have much available information yet.

Lego Orlando is also set to star in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales in 2017 with our little Adam Brown.

Badass mofo Tauriel…

…who got two fckhawt guys panting after her — the elf prince and a dwarf prince. And her being a badass, she gave society a middle finger, told them to suck it, and chose the dwarf. Never mind that she wasn’t in the book like Lego, she was an excellent OC and a great addition. Thank you, PJ!

Evangeline will star in Ant-Man this year as Hope Van Dyne and will guest in an episode (titled Heart of Gold) of Once Upon A Time, which will air on April 12.

Other than that, I think her book, entitled The Squickerwonkers, deserves to be mentioned. More information on that can be found here.

Luke played Bard, the hot Bowman of Lake Town.

He’s third on the list who’ll be a Star Guest at Hobbitcon this coming April 4-6, 2015 in Bonn, Germany. More details on Hobbitcon3 here.

Luke is also set to star in High Rise as the character Richard Wilder. The film is based on the 1975 novel of the same name by J.G. Ballard and it is about how life for the residents of a tower block begins to run out of control.

And of course, everyone’s heard that Luke is also set to play as Gaston (YOU READ RIGHT!) in the 2016 live action film of Beauty and the Beast. Could you just imagine?? Our Luke! As Gaston!

What if Bard was singing in DoS & BotFA like Gaston?


 is probably the only reliable wizard in Middle Earth, considering: Saruman is was an asshole who decided to side with evil; Radagast has bird shit on the side of his head; and the other two aren’t really that important if Gandalf, their fellow wizard, forgot their names.

For 2015, Gandalf will be playing Mr. Holmes in Sherlock Homes. He will also be playing Norman in The Dresser (TV movie) which is a drama, based on a successful play, about an ageing actor and his personal assistant; and lastly, he will be lending his voice to Animal Crackers.

Busy bee!

Last but certainly not the least…

The star of the book and movies — Bilbo.

Also known as the Bunny.

As most people know, before the Hobbit, Martin starred and is starring as Watson in the TV series Sherlock. The series is on-going, going strong and has a strong fan base (especially online), so if you’d like to watch it, can catch Martin, you can do so here.

He is also said to have roles in The Eichmann Show as Milton Fruchtman in 2015 and Fun House in 2016.

That’s it for our little loves!

I hope you enjoyed my post despite its length and of course, none of the images and / or GIFs are mine.

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