Tag Archives: Adam Brown

What’s the cast of The Hobbit up to now?

Over the past couple of years, fans had the pleasure of experiencing the thrill and anticipation of waiting for a new installment of The Hobbit trilogy.

Sadly, last year came the end of that trilogy, and along with it, the end of the stories of Middle Earth (as far as we know. Unless they make a movie adaptation of the Silmarillion *wink*wink*). At least we’ll still have the DVD Extended Edition to look forward to at the end of the year.

However, despite it all being more or less over, a good thing about the fandom is we still support the actors. After all, they’re the ones who gave visible life to the characters we’ve all come to love and mourn.

With that, let’s see what our favorite hobbit, dwarves, elves, wizard and bowman are doing post Middle Earth.

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